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Figure 8


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(A) Evolution of the popularity of hashtags #blm on Twitter. (B), (C) SIR-UAU two-layer network simulated from empirical data, where the information dissemination rate is completely obtained from the hashtags of the possible three events. The diamond points depict the data of (A) cumulative confirmed cases of US; (B) the retweets of the COVID-19 related research papers on Twitter. And the green line and the orange line correspond to the simulation results with and without the two big media events, respectively. In the two-layer network, the parameters we set are consistent with the previous method, in which disease spreading rate β=0.07, information dissemination rate κ=0.15, recovering rate γ=0.11, information decaying rate κ’=0.2 and infection reduction rate η=0.85. Color band shows the 1σ confidence interval of our prediction.

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