About National Science Open (NSO) RSS feed

This RSS feed provides you with the latest articles from published online.

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What is a RSS feed

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a XML format dedicated to website syndication. RSS allows readers to get new titles delivered directly to their desktops, using either the Internet browser or a RSS Reader.

How to use RSS feeds

  • If your Internet browser includes a RSS Reader (as Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari), your browser will automatically detect web pages that offer RSS feeds.
    For more details, please see the corresponding documention on your favorite browser websites.

  • In general, you will need a RSS Reader (also called News Reader). Some News Readers are web-based or email-based options, others are stand-alone applications. To subscribe a RSS feed is really easy, either by copying the URL and pasting it in your News Reader, or dragging the URL of the RSS feed into the News Reader.

How to get a News Reader

There are many News Readers available. You may choose along the following ones:

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Terms of use

The EDP Sciences journals RSS feeds are devoted to private studies, scholarship or research, without any commercial benefit. Individuals can browse, search, download, copy and print the articles within fair use limits.

EDP Sciences reserves the right to modify or stop this service. In particular, in the case of unfair use. The benefit of the entire community relies on your fair use.

Please remember that EDP Sciences electronic journals and their contents are subject to copyright, database protection, and other rights of the publisher (EDP Sciences) under the laws of France and the country of use.