Open Access

Table 1

Physical properties of air, helium, xenon, and He-Xe mixture

Parameter Air Helium Xenon He-Xe
Molecular weight (g mol−1) 28.96 4 131.29 40
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (J kg−1 K−1) 1006.6 5193.2 160.1 519.8
Specific heat ratio 1.4018 1.6665 1.6773 1.6680
Kinetic viscosity (μPa s) 18.490 19.846 22.985 24.960
Thermal conductivity (W m−1 K−1) 0.0259 0.1553 0.0055 0.0279
Density (kg m−3) 1.184 0.164 5.395 1.636
Sonic velocity (m s−1) 346.3 1016.4 177.0 321.4

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