Figure 8


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(a) Molecular design and preparation diagram. (b) UV-vis spectra for detecting ·OH production of RSL3@COF-Fc (2b) with different conditions (See Ref. [153] for specific conditions; Respective photos are in the upper right corner). (c) Drug release curves of 1b and 2b at various conditions. (d) HT-1080 and (e) MCF-10A cell viabilities detection under different conditions. (f) In vitro clonogenic research (See Ref. [153] for specific conditions). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [153], Copyright 2021, John Wiley and Sons. (g) Preparation diagram of DOX@COF(Fe) and its application. (h) Flow cytometry of MCF-7/Adr cells under various conditions (See Ref. [155] for specific conditions). (i) Relative tumor growth curves of nude mice under various treatments. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [155], Copyright 2021, THE SOCIETY.

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