Table 1

Summary of recent studies in nanosystems on base of COFs with different morphologies for anticancer applications

Morphology nCOF Application Cell line Size Method Ref.
Spheres DSPP-COF Chemotherapy & PDT MCF-7 cells 59 nm solvothermal reaction [79]
Spheres COF-AP-IL@HA Chemotherapy & Hyperthermia VEGFR-2 ∼188 nm layer by layer method [80]
Spheres COF-PDA-FA@GOX PTT & Starvation therapy HeLa cells ∼150 nm solvothermal reaction [81]
Spheres COF + Gox + L-Arg Starvation & Gas therapy HeLa cells ∼200–300 nm solvothermal reaction [82]
Spheres DOX@COF-PEG-T10 Chemotherapy Glioma cells 168 ± 3.4 nm solvothermal reaction [83]
Spheres FeTPD@GOx SDT, CDT & Starvation therapy 4T1 cells ∼75 nm Schiff base condensation reaction [84]
Spheres PgP@Fe-COF NPs SDT & Immunotherapy 4T1 cells ∼160 nm self-assembly strategy [85]
Spheres TpDh-DT Imaging & Chemotherapy MCF-7 cells ∼100 nm solvothermal reaction [86]
Spheres LZU-Cys NPs Gene therapy CT26 tumor cells 155–170 nm microwave irradiation [87]
Spheres COF-survivin Cancer cell/tissue imaging & PDT MCF-7 cells ∼460 nm solvothermal reaction [88]
Spheres MnO2-Poly(I:C)@COF SDT & Immunotherapy 4T1 cells ~180 nm solvothermal reaction [89]
Spheres CCOF-1@PEG & CCOF-2@PEG PDT HeLa & L929 cells 430 & 218 nm solvothermal reaction [90]
Spheres DOX@COF@HA Chemotherapy & PDT 4T1 & MHCC97-L cells 274.0 ± 2.6 nm solvothermal reaction [91]
Spheres Mono-dispersed hierarchical TpPa-COF PTT HeLa cells 2–4 μm Schiff base condensation reaction [92]
Spheres N-CNS-CaO2-HA/Ce6 NCs CDT, PDT, PTT & CIT Hypoxic solid tumor cells 324.33 ± 16.71 nm condensation reaction [93]
Sheets TTF-intercalated COF@C NPs PTT 4T1 & MCF-7 cells ∼144.7 nm solvothermal reaction [94]
Sheets M@TPE-s COF-Au@Cisplatin Chemo-photothermal combination therapy & dual imaging HepG2, HCCLM3 & MHCC-97H cells ∼100 nm condensation reaction [95]
Sheets COF@IR783@CAD Chemotherapy & PTT 4T1 cells ∼250 nm solvothermal reaction [96]
Sheets HA@COF NSs PDT HepG2, 4T1, MCF-7 & MCF-7/Adr cells ∼5–8 nm Schiff base condensation reaction [97]
Sheets CApHD NSs PDT, PTT, chemotherapy & immune activation 4T1 & A549 cells ∼50–100 nm ultrasonic exfoliation [98]
Sheets Py-BPy2+-COF/ PEG & Py-BPy+.-COF/PEG Photoacoustic imaging & PTT A549 cells 164 nm ultrasonic exfoliation [99]
Sheets PTX+COF-3 Chemotherapy E-cad positive cells ~600 nm Schiff base condensation reaction [100]
Capsules HRP@3D COF EPT 4T1 cells ~192 nm solvothermal reaction [101]
Capsules UCNPs@SiO2@COF PDT 4T1 cells ~120 nm solvothermal reaction [75]
Nanodots COF nanodots-PEG PDT Hepatoma 22 cells 3.46 nm Schiff base condensation reaction [102]
Fibrous Ptp-Fe PDT CT26, 4T1 cells 155.0 ± 0.6 nm solvothermal reaction [103]
Particles TpDa-COF@Py PDT 4T1 cells 100 nm solvothermal reaction [104]
Particles BFX@COF PDT & NO therapy MCF-7 cells ~198 nm solvothermal reaction [105]
Rod COF-909-Cu PTT, CDT & immunotherapy 4T1 cells ~100 nm solution-phase synthesis method [106]
Tubes COF-CNT PDT & nanocatalytic 4T1 cells ~55 nm Schiff base condensation reaction [107]

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